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Business Improv's Hybrid Open Enrollment Program
Welcome! (2:56)
Roadmap of the Course (3:17)
Why Are You Taking This Course? (1:14)
Let's Get Started! (0:14)
Module 1: The Anatomy of Effective Communication
Intro to Module 1 (0:33)
Barriers (2:07)
The Reality About Behavior Change (1:29)
React / Adapt / Communicate (3:47)
Divergent / Convergent Thinking (4:05)
Energy Manipulation (2:28)
Framing of Language: Yes, And... (2:18)
Postponing Judgment (5:01)
How does this matter in my world? (3:15)
Homework (1:36)
Module 2: Core Competencies
Intro to Module 2 (2:04)
Warm-Up! (7:05)
Yes, And: A Communication Swiss-Army Knife (4:12)
Think Slow to Move Fast (2:36)
Exercise: You Are A... (9:18)
Exercise: Talk and Listen (8:45)
How does this matter in my world? (3:05)
Homework (0:27)
Module 3: A Two-Word Hack for Better Communication
Intro to Module 3 (1:29)
Let's Talk About Mindfulness (2:22)
Exercise: Yes, And Conversation (5:32)
Exercise: Yes, And Conversation - Breaking It Down (1:18)
Exercise: Yes, But Conversation (3:14)
Exercise: Yes, But Conversation - Breaking It Down (1:04)
Yes, And vs Yes, But (11:44)
Yes, And vs Yes, But - Bringing It All Together (3:32)
How does this matter in my world? (2:06)
Homework (0:47)
Module 4: Joint Problem Solving
Intro to Module 4 (0:33)
Self-Audit vs Self-Edit (1:21)
Warm-Up! (1:52)
Techniques for Managing Conflict (6:53)
"Yes, And" for Conflict Management (2:02)
Exercise: "Yes, And" Debate (7:24)
"Yes, And" Debate - Putting It to the Test (7:34)
"Yes, And" Debate - Bringing It All Together (1:04)
How does this matter in my world? (1:57)
Homework (0:50)
Module 5: Conflict Management
Intro to Module 5 (0:28)
Why Do We Avoid Conflict? (3:44)
Warm-Up! (3:45)
Active Listening (1:28)
Exercise: Difficult Conversations (8:23)
Mediation Techniques (3:37)
How does this matter in my world? (2:17)
Homework (0:22)
Module 6: Divergent Collaboration
Intro to Module 6 (0:47)
Barriers (Revisited) (5:16)
"SAD JR QB" (4:13)
A Culture of Acceptance (3:54)
Panning for Gold (1:20)
Warm-Up! (3:22)
Exercise: Party Planner (8:01)
Exercise: Party Planner Pt. 2 (7:16)
9 Keys for Better Collaboration (4:49)
How does this matter in my world? (2:38)
Homework (1:08)
Module 7: Convergent Collaboration
Intro to Module 7 (0:44)
Dangers of Group Decision Making (4:10)
Benefits of Group Decision Making (1:59)
Group Think vs Group Mind (1:49)
Buy-In vs Build-In (1:57)
Sifting for Gold (1:24)
Getting Convergent (Finding the Gold) (8:03)
How does this matter in my world? (1:36)
Homework (1:00)
Module 8: Pulling It All Together
Intro to Module 8 (2:11)
Your Two-Minute Summary (0:55)
What is One Thing...? (0:33)
Start with a Goal in Mind (0:36)
Anticipate Setbacks (0:44)
Select the Right Tools (0:33)
Practice & Feedback (0:54)
Manage Your Environment (1:37)
Your Action Plan (0:44)
Thank You & Final Reflection (1:39)
Exercise: Party Planner
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